Andrew Benton, President of the Nebraska Safety Council Board of Directors, and Charlie Meyer, President of the WorkWell Board announced that WorkWell, a worksite wellness organization providing services in Lincoln and Southeastern Nebraska since 1986, has merged with the Nebraska Safety Council as of February 13th.

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), research is showing the importance of integrating worker protection and worker health.  The premise is a healthier workforce will be a safer workforce, and a safer workforce is a healthier workforce.  Laurie Klosterboer, Executive Director for the Nebraska Safety Council, emphasizes that the merger will provide companies with a complete solution for worksite safety and wellness resources from one trusted source and that they will be the only organization in Nebraska that offers both types of services from one source.

In addition to the merger, Jackie Varicak, who served as the Coordinator for WorkWell’s 100 members has joined NESC’s staff along with WorkWell’s new Program Director, Tonya Vyhlidal.  Vyhlidal has a wealth of knowledge on worksite wellness having served as the Director of Wellness, Safety, and Life Enhancement for Lincoln Industries and recently as Wellness Program Manager for Nelnet.

The Nebraska Safety Council’s mission is to provide leadership and resources to promote a safe and healthy environment in our workplace and community.

For more information on Nebraska Safety Council programs and services, please contact the Council at (402) 483-2511 or visit us on the web at and
Contact Information: Laurie Klosterboer, Nebraska Safety Council  402-483-2511, ext# 105.