Midlands Latino Community Development Corporation (MLCDC) has served the Latino immigrant community for more than 16 years and recently culminated a year-long rebranding process with a new organizational name: La Fuente Business Center (lafuentebusinesscenter.org).
Their new name and brand reflect their position as a central source of knowledge and support for entrepreneurs. Their brand palette utilizes colors that speak to the trust they have developed with their clients, their responsibility to our community and the optimism they have. Although their name and logo have changed, all day-to-day operations will stay the same.
“We want everyone to know we are still here; we just have a new name,” Executive Director Juan Montoya said. “The name ‘La Fuente Business Center’ more accurately reflects what our organization does and the services we provide to our community. Our focus has always been and will continue to be the same – to prepare entrepreneurs, especially immigrant entrepreneurs, for success through training, education and access to capital.”
La Fuente Business Center‘s future goals are to increase the number of immigrant-owned small businesses it serves through its financial stability, entrepreneurship and lending programs. For more information, visit lafuentebusinesscenter.org.