Max I. Walker’s sixth annual Ultra Chic Prom Boutique once again broke records by generating more than $14,700 for the Open Door Mission’s Lydia House. The event took place on Saturday, Feb. 9 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. This is a record amount raised from a single Ultra Chic Prom Boutique, and brings Max I. Walker’s total donations over six years to more than $55,800.

More than 2,000 dresses were collected at Max I. Walker’s 24 locations throughout the metro area. Max I. Walker and its employees donated the cleaning, pressing and mending of all the gowns – preparing them to sell at the Ultra Chic Prom Boutique. Thanks to Max I. Walker’s efforts, each dress was sold in like-new condition for only $25 at the event. The shoppers included high school students, college students, moms, brides-to-be and women of all ages who found their perfect dress at the Ultra Chic Prom Boutique.  All of the remaining dresses were donated to the Open Door Mission’s Timberlake Outreach Center and Women’s Career Workshop.

Max I. Walker is already looking ahead for next year’s Ultra Chic Prom Boutique, and is accepting dress donations at any of their 24 stores.

For more information about Ultra Chic Prom Boutique, please visit