Jewish Family Service, Woodhaven Counseling Associates Present New Parenting Course

Parenting the Love and Logic Way®, a course created by Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D. and Foster Cline, MD, will be presented by Jewish Family Service and Woodhaven Counseling Associates. The course offers easy-to-use techniques that help adults achieve respectful and healthy relationships with their children. The purpose is to enhance parent/child relationships, relieve strain on family life, and create more time for parents to enjoy their kids. The program benefits parents with toddlers through the teenage years. The Love and Logic techniques produce immediate results because the techniques are simple, practical, and easy to learn. The concepts behind Love and Logic place a heavy emphasis on respect and dignity for children, and at the same time allows parents to grasp simple approaches instead of learning difficult counseling procedures.

The classes are on Thursdays, March 28, April 4, April 11, and April 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, located at 333 S. 132nd St. The cost of the sessions is $70 per couple. On-site childcare is available for children ages three to 12 for $5 per child, per session.

Classes are facilitated by Teresa Drelicharz, LIMHP, RPT, licensed therapist and registered play therapist at Jewish Family Service, and Amber Lawrence, LIMHP, LMFT, licensed marriage and family therapist at Woodhaven Counseling Associates, Inc. Both have many years of experience in the field and strongly believe in the Love and Logic philosophy of parenting!

Jewish Family Service is a Child Placing Agency licensed in the state of Nebraska. Their primary service areas include the Omaha and Lincoln communities. Other areas will be considered on a case by case basis. Call (402) 330-2024 for more information, or visit