JDRF One Walk on October 10 in Ashland
Omaha and Lincoln’s JDRF One Walk (jdrf.org/nebraskaiowa) is being held Sunday, October 10, in Ashland at Mahoney State Park, located at 28500 W Park Hwy. The One Walk aims to raise awareness for type 1 diabetes (T1D) and to fundraise to accelerate T1D research breakthroughs. To encourage participants to fundraise, JDRF is offering incentives such as One Walk event t-shirts, an online reward catalog, and V1P status, which is offered exclusively to the top 5% of fundraisers. By participating in One Walk, you can help families affected by this autoimmune disease, such as Jenny and Jared Hensley, 2021 JDRF One Walk Event Chairs, whose daughter Ruby has T1D.
JDRF will be releasing the team walk times very soon, as teams will walk alphabetically. They will keep crowds to a minimum in order to keep the immune compromised community safe, especially young children who cannot yet be vaccinated.
Though the Omaha and Lincoln walks are being combined into one single event, they still have separate event websites. The location specific links are walk.jdrf.org/lincoln and walk.jdrf.org/omaha.
JDRF is the leading global organization funding T1D research. Their goal is to progressively remove the impact of T1D from people’s lives until we achieve a world without T1D. JDRF collaborates with a wide spectrum of partners and is the only organization with the scientific resources, policy influence, and a working plan to better treat, prevent, and eventually cure T1D. For more information, visit jdrf.org/nebraskaiowa, or for information about the event, contact Chris Dunn at (402) 214-0638 or cdunn@jdrf.org.