The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM), Nebraska Chapter 12, recently hosted its annual golf tournament.  The event raised $9,700 for the Special Olympics based upon attendance and sponsorships.  Next year’s event is already scheduled for August 17, 2015 and there are plenty of ways to get involved for a great cause!

The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) is an organization composed of real estate managers dedicated to the business. Meanwhile, these professionals are also fulfilling the significance of real estate in being invested and stimulating higher-level senior management through education and the enlightenment of others. The different types of memberships offered through IREM are based on experience levels. Today IREM memberships include more than 18,000 individuals and 550 corporate members. To learn more about Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM), please call (402) 592-4499 or visit the website at