The HRAM Diversity Committee has invited retired military personnel to speak about transitioning from the military to the workplace at their annual Diversity Program on April 8.

Terri Clark and Bonnie Bessler will keynote the event with their presentation “Understanding Military Culture.” Clark serves as the Nebraska Military OneSource representative and Bessler is the Transition Assistance Advisor (TAA) for Nebraska. Both are retired from the Air National Guard. Following the keynote, Charlie Storlie, will discuss how a veteran’s military experience translates into the corporate workforce and how business can best utilize veterans’ skill sets during the first of two technical sessions. Storlie is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Special Forces and an Iraq Combat Veteran.

The second technical session will be given by Cliff McEvoy and Evan Downey, who will give insight into how to identify a military background on a resume and the benefits that military experience affords the civilian workforce. McEvoy was commissioned as an Air Force officer through ROTC at Saint Louis University. Downey is a retired Air Force veteran.

The April Diversity program will be held on Tuesday, April 8th at the Scott Conference Center on the UNO campus at 6450 Pine Street. The general public is invited to attend. Tickets can be purchased online at until April 2.

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