Heartland Family Service has been accredited by the prestigious Council on Accreditation (COA) every four years since 1984. It involves a rigorous, months-long examination of their policies, practices and services, and helps them identify their strengths as well as areas to improve.
COA reaccreditation is an objective and reliable verification that provides confidence and support to an organization’s service recipients, board members, staff and community partners. The COA reaccreditation process involves a detailed review and analysis of both an organization’s administrative operations and its service delivery practices. All are “measured” against national standards of best practice. These standards emphasize services that are accessible, appropriate, culturally responsive, evidence based, and outcomes-oriented, In addition, they confirm that the services are provided by a skilled and supported workforce and that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect.
For more information about Heartland Family Service, please visit them online at www.heartlandfamilyservice.org.