Do Space to Present Cyber Seniors, Tech Help Saturday

Join Do Space ( on Wednesday and Saturday mornings for a chance to get help with your technology from their savvy volunteers! If you have been having questions or troubles with your technology, and are looking for some assistance, Do Space has an opportunity for you to receive answers.

Cyber Seniors is on Wednesdays and focuses on helping seniors in the Omaha community understand and utilize their technology. Tech Help Saturday offers one-on-one assistance from Do Space’s dedicated volunteers in a relaxed environment. Cyber Seniors and Tech Help Saturday are drop-in programs; no registration required. Both events take place from 9 a.m. to noon.

Do Space is a unique concept that combines the notions of a community technology library, a digital workshop, and an innovation playground, producing new opportunities to learn, grow, explore, and create. Their mission is to promote digital equity by inspiring individuals of all ages through innovative programming, access to the latest technology and tools, and providing the guidance needed to create, learn, and explore with technology. For a full list of program offerings and details, or to learn more information, visit, or contact them at (402) 819-4022 /