Since 1999, more than 23,000 scholarships have been awarded by Children’s Scholarship Fund of Omaha (CSF) to children in Omaha and northeast Nebraska. Last month, CSF awarded more than 1,500 scholarships for the 2013-14 school year. All scholarships were awarded through a lottery system to qualifying families.  Students who are already receiving CSF scholarship assistance must re-qualify each year according to financial and educational guidelines. Each CSF family must contribute $500 toward their child’s education, and each child must achieve a 90% response rate.  CSF’s goal is to make sure that all families can choose the best educational setting for their children. Additionally, they are destination neutral and have no religious affiliation.  CSF is excited for the coming school year and to provide families with an opportunity to create a better future for their children across Omaha and Northeast Nebraska!

For more information on the Children’s Scholarship Fund, please contact Executive Director Sandra Reding at (402) 819-4990 or by email at  You can also visit their website at