CRE Summit Raises Significant Funds for Angels Among Us
Angels Among Us ( is the beneficiary of a very successful fundraising initiative spearheaded by Jerry Slusky as part of the 2018 Commercial Real Estate Summit which was held on April 6. Jerry challenged area companies and individuals to help raise $50,000 to assist local families whose children have pediatric cancer. Pre-event commitments totaled nearly $20,000 with additional donations made on the day of the event.
“Our goal is to raise funds to help Angels Among Us remove families from their rather extensive waiting list. We want to help Angels meet the current need right now and not have families waiting for assistance. This is a permanent partnership that will result in the creation of the CRE Summit Angels,” said Slusky.
In recognition, the CRE Summit Angels will be included in a sponsorship of the future new home for the agency in the planned expansion of the Ronald McDonald House in Omaha.
Angels Among Us is a Nebraska nonprofit that financially assists families whose children have cancer. Any pediatric cancer family living in or being treated in Nebraska is eligible to apply for assistance. More information can be found at or by contacting the Susan Nelson, executive director, at (402) 934-0999 /