Six Children’s Scholarship Fund (CSF) students will receive a Rising Star Award at the annual Chance Luncheon on June 5th. Over 75 nominations were submitted by school administration within three categories; Spirit, Challenger and Leadership. An Inspiring CSF Alum award will also be presented to University of Omaha Freshman, Akuel Majouk.

One of the students receiving the Challenger Award is a deserving fourth grader at Sacred Heart School named Justice. Her nominator Sacred Heart Principal, Katie Barmettler shared Justice’s story of how she has overcome difficult obstacles at a young age.  Justice recently lost her foster father after he was physically disabled due to a random act of violence in his workplace.  She has since been resilient, achieving academic success as well as maintaining a positive attitude and displaying a commitment to persevere.

Children’s Scholarship Fund of Omaha believes that all families, regardless of income, should be able to choose the best educational setting for their children. CSF Omaha provides tuition assistance scholarships so children from low-income families can access the private or parochial K-8 education of their choice. Since 1999, more than 22,000 scholarships have been awarded by CSF Omaha to children in Omaha and northeast Nebraska.

For more information on sponsorship opportunities or luncheon tickets, please contact Kylie Fisher at (402) 819-4990 or by email at  You can visit Children’s Scholarship Fund’s (CSF) website at