Best Care EAP Sets Free Monthly Webinar, Grit and Bear It! for Wednesday, April 21

Best Care EAP ( invites individuals, are a businesses, and their teams to join them for a FREE webinar on April 21, called “Grit and Bear It!—How to Become Mentally Tough.” Set for 9 a.m., the webinar will feature Best Care Training Consultant Dave Dechant, who will define grit and lay out a proven plan for tapping into the grit that lives in each of us. In short, grit is the perseverance and passion to achieve long-term goals.

Sometimes you will hear grit referred to as mental toughness, and researchers assert that grit is a strong predictor of one’s success and ability to reach goals. “As we begin to see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, many of us are aching to return to a ‘normal’ life,” Dave said. “Unfortunately, there’s still a great deal in order to reconnect with each other and restore our economy. What can sustain us in the weeks and months ahead? Grit!”

Best Care EAP offers emotional and mental health support to your employees, helping them focus on their jobs when problems in their personal lives get too overwhelming. They also offer a number of professional development options, performance coaching, and leadership training. To register for Grit and Bear It!—How to Become Mentally Tough, please call Best Care EAP at (402) 354-800 or email them at