Have you ever ended a conversation by saying, “We’ll agree to disagree”? When it comes to the important issues of organizational change or learning, this statement may mean that the initiative in which the company will invest thousands of dollars may never have a chance at success. This session, entitled “Understanding Individual Values to Facilitate Change”, will provide you with learning the nature of durable conflict, in which individuals are most likely to strongly disagree with you, and how to craft a message that will be appealing to all types of individuals. The presenter, Nicholas Wolff, has provided organizational development consulting and educational activities for profit and non-profit firms for nearly ten years. He has developed what he has dubbed the Wolff Values Questionnaire. This questionnaire is used in his training to help participants identify their own values in an effort to be better able to manage personal conflicts in and out of the workplace. This event will take place on January 8th from 7:30-9 a.m. at the Scott Conference Center, located at 6450 Pine Street. The cost to attend for non-members will be $35. To register, visit the Calendar of Events at www.astdnebraska.org.
For more information about the Nebraska Chapter ASTD or this event, please contact Jen Wichern at vpprogramming@astdnebraska.org.