Throughout the month of October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the American Cancer Society of Omaha ( is engaging community leaders to help eliminate breast cancer with the Real Men Wear Pink campaign. The American Cancer Society is leading the breast cancer fight in the 21st century, and their commitment to creating a future free from breast cancer runs deep – but they cannot do it alone. The Real Men Wear Pink Omaha campaign is lead by over 20 men across Omaha.
Campaign ambassadors across Omaha are stepping up and using the power of wearing pink to raise funds and draw attention to the breast cancer fight. In fact, every dollar raised helps the American Cancer Society save more lives from breast cancer through early detection and prevention, breakthrough breast cancer discovery and research, and lifesaving patient support.
The success of the Real Men Wear Pink program depends on the creativity and commitment of past and current ambassadors. As a Real Men Wear Pink ambassador, leaders commit to wearing pink throughout October; raising awareness for the cause through their personal, professional, and social media networks; and raising a minimum of $2,500 to help the American Cancer Society fight breast cancer.
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer. For more information or to make a donation toward the campaign, go to