African Culture Connection Receives $10K Grant From Weitz Family Foundation

African Culture Connection (ACC) ( announced the receipt of a $10,000 grant from the Weitz Family Foundation for general operating support.

African Culture Connection’s unique education and social programs respond to two unmet needs: 1) The importance of building community awareness of and respect for African culture and diverse cultures as a whole; and 2) The pressing need of very high-risk populations, primarily African-American children and youth of low-income, for opportunities for positive development.

Formed in 2000, The Weitz Family Foundation is a private grant-making family foundation founded by Wally and Barbara Weitz. The Foundation seeks to break the cycle of poverty in Omaha, NE by empowering individuals, agencies, and organizations to create a more equitable and peaceful society. The Foundation seeks to identify and address the institutional and systemic injustices and gaps which fuel poverty. The Weitz Family Foundation seeks new ideas and innovations in social change to address the core issues.

African Culture Connection (ACC; is an organization of professional teaching and performing artists using authentic African dance, music, visual art and storytelling to encourage students to learn more about the positive contributions African cultures have made to in society. Founded by Charles Ahovissi, a professional dancer, drummer, performer, choreographer, stage costume designer, and tailor from Benin, West Africa, African Culture Connection’s mission is to educate audiences through African culture and art experiences to encourage an appreciation for the richness diversity brings to all.