The special thing about Girl Scout troop #64224, is that it exists at MICAH House (, a shelter for families and women experiencing the crisis of homelessness. As families stay at MICAH House, young girls have the opportunity to join the troop. This year, MICAH House has a group of girls completely new to cookie season. They have been learning about marketing, sales, and entrepreneurialism. Money earned through successful cookie sales will allow opportunities for field trips, activities, and camps for the girls in troop #64224.

Being in Girl Scouts helps MICAH House girls develop confidence and improve self-esteem. They are mentored by inspiring troop leaders who teach them about becoming compassionate young woman leaders. Support their cause today by choosing to purchase your cookie supply through MICAH House’s troop #64224. Your support will help sustain the Girl Scout program for future young ladies staying at MICAH House. Visit the website at to place your order today! Delivery or pick-up options are available. For more information, contact Child Program Specialist Sam O’Brien at (712) 323-4416 ext. 2102 or

Founded in 1986, MICAH House is a transitional homeless shelter that serves families and women in the Omaha-Metro area and Southwest Iowa. MICAH House provides safe shelter, nutritious meals, health care access, and adult education classes as individuals seek a better tomorrow. For more information, visit