Humanities Nebraska (HN, has elected four new members for its Council and Foundation boards of directors.
New members elected to the Council are:
Effie Athanassopoulos (Lincoln): Athanassopoulos is a long-time Lincoln resident, a dual citizen of Greece and the U.S. and an anthropology professor at UNL who has been creating new digital resources to facilitate research and public access to Nebraska’s material past.
Michael Evans (Peru): President of Peru State College since July 2021, Evans earned his Ph.D. in folklore from Indiana University, focusing on expressions of indigenous cultures through mass media.
Newly elected to the Foundation are:
Mary Raimondo (Columbus): Raimondo has been a community volunteer for most of her life, with particular affinity for the arts and humanities. She served on the Friends of Lied board for six years and on the Columbus Arts Council for five years, taking on leadership roles for each organization.
Sara Woods (Omaha): Woods is the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Chief Engagement Officer and Director of the Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center.
The Council elected Beth Whited of Omaha as chair and Graciela Caneriro-Livingston of Lincoln as vice chair. Dori Wanitschke of Grand Island was re-elected treasurer, and Connie Duncan of Lincoln is immediate past chair. The Foundation elected Brenda Christensen of Omaha as president, Mike Homa of Omaha as vice president, and Keith Bystrom of Plattsmouth as treasurer.
For more information on HN, go to
- Effie Athanassopoulos
- Michael Evans
- Mary Raimondo
- Sara Woods