Focus C3, LLC announces the addition of a new program being offered for those that are experiencing excessive stress levels at work and life or think that they may be on their way to burnout.  Stress—which is at the root of burnout—can be a contributing factor to the development of the 5 leading causes of death in the United States.

Focus C3 is offering a 10 week group that is designed to help individuals develop both personal and job skills to alleviate workplace stress. The initial 5 weeks focuses on improving personal habits and self-care to address the effects of workplace stress on personal time and relationships. The remaining 5 weeks utilizes performance coaching techniques to help people prevent job burnout and increase productivity.  As a part of the 10 weeks you will also receive a Focus Stress Survey (FSS) to help you determine your risk for job burnout and to identify the specific components of workplace stress that are most troubling for you.  The group is led by Amanda Hebner and D. Ryan McCann. Both are licensed mental health professionals and Amanda is a Board Certified Coach.

For more information about Focus C3 or to register for the group or to schedule a Focus Stress Survey for your company, contact us at or visit our website