Nebraska Methodist College Sees Overwhelming Turnout for Free CNA Training

In December, it was announced that Nebraska Methodist College ( committed to offering free CNA training for 100 people wishing to become nursing assistants and aid the community amid the rise in COVID-19 cases. CNA workers will help the healthcare system cope with the recent influx of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The opportunity was offered to Midland University students in hopes of bringing more CNAs to Fremont, as well.

The program has seen an overwhelming response from students wishing to make a difference in the lives of others. It was originally open to 100 students, but because of the tremendous interest, the opportunity was expanded to seat 150 students. All free courses were filled quickly. All free training courses began in November and December, with approximately 50 students completing training each month, December through February.

The program will lead to potential employment within the Nebraska Methodist Health System. Students will gain experience and kick-start their careers in healthcare. For more information on getting your career in healthcare started, visit