Nebraska Community Blood Bank: So Thankful for Blood Donors
Born at just over 25 week’s gestation, twins Etta and Lane each weighed only 1 pound 10 ounces. Due to their premature birth and small size they had very low blood volume and were unable to produce red blood cells fast enough to keep up with the demand of frequent blood draws for tests.
Etta and Lane spent a long and challenging four months in the NICU at Bryan Health. Etta received three units of blood throughout her stay in the NICU and Lane received blood a total of four times, the first transfusion at just six days old. Today, the twins are healthy and happy. They’ve returned to the NICU a few times since, but on happy terms, with gifts for other NICU patients and special treats for the staff.
Etta and Lane survived because generous blood donors stepped up to give. An estimated 15 million babies around the world are born prematurely each year. Please consider donating blood this November in honor of Prematurity Awareness Month. Visit NCBB.ORG or call (877) 488-9414 to learn more about hosting a blood drive or to sign up to donate blood at a donor center or blood drive near you.
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