Endless Journey Hospice Celebrates One Year Anniversary
Endless Journey Hospice (endlessjourneyhospice.com) recently celebrated their one-year anniversary providing hospice services to Omaha, Lincoln and surrounding communities. Sharing this experience with clients and their families is an honor held in high regard. Founders Melanie Costlow, RN and Amy Douglas, MS believed in the potential to improve end of life care. After working together as hospice providers, they had experienced a lack of compassion in the corporate setting.
Melanie and Amy have spent years sitting at bedside with clients realizing that each experience is unique and requires a holistic approach to support the end of life process. They developed an approach to nourish the client and family physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Endless Journey created a provider network to include music therapy, massage therapy, pet therapy, guided meditation, aromatherapy, chiropractic/acupuncture, hypnotherapy, healing touch, and reiki. In addition, they contacted Maria Cunningham-Wilkins, chef/dietitian, who joined the initiative to provide dietary alterations and education, as well as prepare homemade meals for clients and families.
Endless Journey Hospice is a locally-owned Omaha-based Medicare Certified hospice that serves clients in Omaha, Lincoln, and surrounding communities.
For more information, contact Amy Douglas at (402) 800-8145 / amy@endlessjourneyhospice.com, or visit their website at endlessjourneyhospice.com.