Best Care EAP Works to Cultivate Joy in Difficult Times via May 12 Webinar
Best Care EAP’s ( monthly live webinar on May 12 will focus on finding ways to cultivate joy amid the significant mental and emotional effects of the pandemic. The free, one-hour webinar begins at 9 a.m. and will explore the best expert-approved strategies for finding more joy at work, at home, and in your day-to-day life. The timing for this topic is purposeful, given that so many people are finding themselves struggling to find positivity and joy amidst the chaos. In fact, a recent survey from the University of Chicago found that only 14% of Americans say they are “very happy,” down from 31% in 2018 and the lowest it’s been in 50 years! It’s high-time to get reconnected with joy!
The content of Best Care EAP program will remind viewers that joy certainly isn’t lost forever. Even during difficult times, if we our willing to invest a little effort, we can cultivate joy in surprisingly simple ways. Inviting joy back into our lives not only makes us happier, but research has shown that we actually begin to achieve our goals.
Best Care EAP offers emotional and mental health support to your employees, helping them focus on their jobs when problems in their personal lives get too overwhelming. They also offer a number of professional development options, performance coaching, and leadership training to help your organization be the best that it can be. To register for the Cultivating Joy webinar, please email Best Care EAP at, call (402) 354-8000, or visit Best Care’s website and view upcoming Training & Events under the Services tab.