A Place at Home’s innovative combination of RN advocacy and in-home care introduces reassuring new options in health and wellness for seniors. Dustin Distefano, CEO co-founded this forward-thinking Omaha agency with Jerod Evanich, President, and Paula Howard, Chief Nursing Officer. Partly as a result of personal experience delivering care to their own loved ones, Distefano and Evanich were inspired to craft a new care model that integrates a broad spectrum of services to maximize the quality of life for seniors, especially those with an ongoing medical condition.

Advocacy encompasses professional care planning, recommendations and referrals, as well as collaboration with medical and non-medical providers. Care options include companionship, personal care, and home care services. Care plans are developed by a registered nurse and delivered by a compassionate team of meticulously screened and certified agency employees.

The unified but flexible approach allows the agency to act as a trusted third-party assisting with the full continuum of care for seniors–whether taking a client to a driver’s test, coordinating a geriatric assessment, or meeting with financial planners to review options for the next stage of life.
A Place at Home recently moved into new offices at 12925 West Dodge Road, Omaha, NE 68154, Suite 104.

For more information, call (402) 932-4646 or visit the website, www.aplaceathome.com.