Vascular Access Plus is currently reorganizing several internal processes within the company. Some of the ongoing changes include significant expansion into the Midwest, the hiring of new nurses and ancillary staff, website improvements, IT infrastructure design and deployment, and the obtainment of well aligned investors. They are pleased to be taking steps to improve and broaden the vascular access nursing services in the region, and are proud to expand their reach in a high quality manner.

They encourage the public to visit their website, where they can learn about their exceptional staff, the essential nursing services they provide, current employment opportunities, along with public reporting of internal quality data. As significant additions and expansions to Vascular Access Plus’s services are expected well into 2013, updated information and links can be found at:

Vascular Access Plus is a nurse owned and operated company comprised of highly skilled clinicians dedicated to providing patients with high quality vascular access care including insertion, maintenance, infusion and education. They are committed to meeting the varied needs of our consumers by providing holistic care that is safe, effective and patient centered and that draws upon the most current innovations and evidence in the field.

For more information about Vascular Access Plus, please call 1-855-PICC-VAP or visit: