TOSSIBLES™ Redefine Women’s Restroom Experience, Launches Business Pilot Program

Entrepreneur Lisa Gill of Bellevue has created a new product to help businesses better serve their female employees, customers, and facility maintenance teams. TOSSIBLES™ ( redefine women’s restroom experiences by providing an innovative, non-plastic, Earth-friendly, disposal option for feminine hygiene products in a commercial setting.

“The idea came from being a frustrated consumer,” Lisa said. “It all started with a rude bathroom sign warning not to flush feminine products, but the facility didn’t offer a reasonable disposal solution. Women need the right tool for proper disposal!”

Being a skilled problem-solver, Lisa conducted research to explore the issue. She talked to business operators and toured wastewater-treatment facilities, learning enough to create a modern disposal solution. The result: TOSSIBLES™, a custom-designed, tear-resistant envelope that is manufactured without water, harsh chemicals, or tree products. They open and seal easily, epitomizing their tagline of “Fill. Seal. Toss. Hooray!” What’s more, they reduce awkward, embarrassing moments for your employees, clients, and cleaning teams by securely containing soiled tampons, cleansing wipes, and pads. Most important, they prevent pipe clogs that could lead to expensive repairs!

TOSSIBLES™ provide simplicity for women, cleaner restrooms for your facilities, and reflect well upon your business. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lisa launched a free pilot program so businesses can try TOSSIBLES™ early as part of heightened sanitation practices. Try TOSSIBLES™ for free by visiting and filling out the “Contact Us” page. After your staff and clientele test them, Lisa asks only that you share your feedback so she can continue improving the product for mass distribution.