Title Boxing Club West is pleased to announce the held their grand opening on January 1st.
Title Boxing Club West Omaha offers 60 Minute Power Hour fitness classes which capitalize on the training of professional boxers and kick-boxers. Classes are designed in rounds; this style of training provides a total body workout in just one hour, including cardiovascular, muscle toning and core strengthening. They are so confident in their fitness classes and trainers that they guarantee results. Enjoy total body POWER HOUR workouts at least three times a week and you’ll lose at least one pound a week, without altering your diet. Eat healthy and workout and you’ll be slim and trim in no time.
Title Boxing Club is packed with the latest boxing and kickboxing equipment provided by TITLE Boxing, including heavy bags, speed bags, double end bags and one boxing ring as well as free weights and cardio equipment.
For more information about Title Boxing Club West, please call Tyler Frederes at (402) 614-7876 or visit: www.titleboxingclub.com/west-omaha-ne.