The Nebraska Vietnam Veterans Reunion (NVVR) ( 2023 is set to take place from August 10 to 13 at the Omaha Marriott Hotel, and organizers are thrilled to extend an open invitation to all who wish to attend. This year marks the 38th annual reunion, and it promises to be a memorable event filled with exciting activities, inspiring presenters, engaging tours and captivating entertainment.

The Nebraska Vietnam Veterans Reunion is not limited to Nebraskans; it welcomes individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of their geographic location. Organizers encourage attendees to extend the invitation to their family and other Veterans, especially those who have not experienced the heartfelt camaraderie and cherished memories of the reunion before.

The 2023 reunion boasts a diverse range of activities designed to educate and entertain attendees of all ages. With a focus on camaraderie, appreciation and healing, the Nebraska Vietnam Veterans Reunion provides a platform for sharing stories, connecting with others, and honoring the brave men and women who served their country.

The reunion committee encourages you to attend and participate in all the reunion activities. Do not mail registration forms after August 1. After August 1, simply walk in and register at the reunion. Committee members will be available to assist you with the registration process.

For more information about NVVR, visit