We’d like to take this opportunity to let our readers know of some changes within Strictly Business Omaha.  Angela Lee has been one of the main faces of the Omaha magazine since we started it over five years ago.  As the President, she worked tirelessly to help get us integrated into the Omaha business community and forming relationships that have blossomed into top-notch clients, mutually-beneficial colleagues and many good friends.

A true entrepreneur, Angela Lee also had a passion for inventing and always seemed to be working on some new idea or project.  One of these ideas came to fruition in the form of SHOLDIT which many of our readers are familiar with through the magazine or through their relationship with Angela Lee.  The SHOLDIT product has taken off for Angela and she is now marketing it worldwide.  We are so proud of her imagination, her determination and her hard work.  However, we also knew that the time would be coming when she could not continue to devote her full attention to both SHOLDIT and to the magazine.

That time has come and Angela Lee has stepped down from her position as President of Strictly Business Omaha to focus on marketing and developing her SHOLDIT venture.  Though she is still involved in the magazine, her main focus is SHOLDIT and we wish her the very best with this.  We are doing our best to reach out to all her clients and colleagues to keep them involved with our magazine and to strengthen the already strong relationships Angela Lee built with them.  We encourage anyone we have not yet had a chance to contact to reach out to us and we’d love to meet with you!

From the outside, not many changes will be visible.  Taking over duties of President of the Omaha magazine is Paige Zutavern, who started the Lincoln magazine over 19 years ago with her husband.  Paige has been intricately involved in the Omaha magazine since its inception and is excited to continue becoming integrated into the Omaha community and promoting our magazine!  Locally owned and operated and independent of any other media group, Strictly Business has the unique positioning to offer its clients a marketing experience like no other and Paige has the experience and drive to take this to a new level as the President of both publications.

Our staff is excited for 2013 and everything we will be able to do for our clients and readers in the new year.  Congratulations Angela Lee, and here’s to new beginnings!