Omaha Print achieved G7 Master Qualification status on October 1st, 2013, allowing their customers to benefit from the most modern technology, techniques and process controls available today in the graphic arts industry. The G7 Master Qualification “identifies print service providers, prepress providers, and creative agencies that excel in implementing the G7 Proof-to-Print Process, a calibration method that allows printers to achieve a visual simulation across multiple print platforms. Achieving color consistency when printing on multiple platforms, in various geographic regions, is a critical component in brand management.” Attaining G7 Master status is a competitive goal for those providing creative, premedia and printing services worldwide. The G7 program is managed by IDEAlliance®, a not-for-profit association of leading print and electronic media service providers and their technology partners.

Since 1858, Omaha Print has been reinventing itself to meet the evolving needs of clients throughout the United States and has grown to become a leading full-service provider of offset printing, mailing, fulfillment, direct mail, and design services.  Omaha Print is also a leader in the implementation of eco-friendly initiatives and was the first Omaha printer to earn Chain of Custody Certification from the Forest Stewardship Council ®.

For more information about Omaha Print, please contact Dan Lassek at (402) 734-8903, email or visit their website at