National Safety Council, Nebraska Chapter Announces Launch of Be Safe Nebraska

The National Safety Council, Nebraska Chapter (NSCN;, in collaboration with the Greater Omaha Chamber, Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Lincoln Chamber of Commerce has launched an initiative focused on the safety of all Nebraska companies, their employees, and their customers. The voluntary process, called Be Safe Nebraska, will allow companies to pledge to adopt best safety practices focused on keeping their employees, customers, and partners safe during the COVID epidemic.

Participating companies who have reviewed and implemented the risk assessment document and taken the pledge will receive a Certificate of Commitment and “I Pledged” material that can be used to notify their employees, customers, and suppliers of their commitment. The pledge can be completed at This commitment will provide the confidence that the business is working diligently to protect stakeholders. NSCN has established a public website in which companies taking the pledge will be listed ( This will be useful for consumer-facing companies, giving the public confidence that they are not incurring undue risk by patronizing a business. This confidence is key to the broader goal of returning Nebraska to economic normalcy safely.

“This collaboration with the Omaha, Lincoln, and State of Nebraska Chambers will help us share safety resource information to all Nebraska companies allowing them to show their commitment to keeping their employees safe.” said Eric Koeppe, National Safety Council, Nebraska president/CEO. “It is our hope that companies who pledge to keeping Nebraskans safe during the COVID pandemic, will maintain that same level of commitment towards safety moving forward.”

“Recovery is going to rely on employee and customer safety,” said David G. Brown, president and CEO, Greater Omaha Chamber. “All the relief and stimulus funds in the world won’t matter if people don’t feel confident going back out into their communities. The Be Safe Nebraska program is a first step toward providing transparency and building trust in a post-COVID-19 world.”

Founded in 1924, the National Safety Council, Nebraska is the Nebraska chapter of the National Safety Council and is located in Omaha. As a private, nonprofit organization. their mission is simple: reduce injuries and save the lives of Nebraskans, which is accomplished through quality education, comprehensive training, safety advocacy, and partnering with like-minded organizations. Learn more at