Josh Tolley, host of the nationally syndicated “Josh Tolley Show,” will present his two-day training course “Small Business-Big Solutions” in Omaha March 2-3 at the Magnolia Hotel.

Sponsored by Mutual of Omaha Bank, “Small Business-Big Solutions” will feature 10 training modules over two days, covering the following topics relevant to small businesses: Getting back to what your business really is, and what it has to offer; Sales Training; Using the Power of Marketing; Developing Profit Partners; Developing and Leading Great Employees; Creating Your Brand; Becoming a Strategic Business Warrior; Putting Speed and Action into Your Business and Real Goal Achievement.

Tolley will be introduced by radio personality Andy Greenberg.  Nationally known and Omaha-based Sean McGuire will bring attendees up to date on how the new national health care legislation will impact their business in 2014.

Only 40 local businesses will be able to attend the seminar. To register, businesses should visit:

To find out more about Josh Tolley visit: For more information, contact Andy Greenberg at or call (402) 250-3895.