The March Metro Omaha Women in Business Forum will be held Friday, March 16th at the Thompson Center at UNO, 6705 Dodge Street in Omaha.  The event begins at 7:30-9:00 am and $15 includes breakfast.

The Metro Omaha Women in Business Forum breakfast is simple and effective.  Each month three women owned businesses introduce their services and products in a five-minute presentation (if you would like to be a “Presenter” e-mail or call MOWBC at 201-2334).  There will also be a “Special Speaker” at each breakfast that will present a topic related to Women in Business.

During the breakfast everyone will be introduced, so please bring your business cards, brochures, flyers, etc, make some contacts and have fellowship with other women in business. Table will be available to display your company brochure materials, and we encourage door prizes.

Reservations are required. To get breakfast included with your registration fee, you MUST RSVP by emailing  or by registering online within 48 hoursbefore the event.

More information about the March Metro Omaha Women in Business Forum can be found online at