God’s Got Your Back Announces Launch of Fundraiser for Multiple Myeloma Foundation

God’s Got Your Back Owner Judith Ngozi Obodougo is excited to announce details about the November 12 virtual fundraiser launch of the nonprofit Calistus Multiple Myeloma Foundation (calistusfoundation.org) that she recently founded. The goals of the new nonprofit are to raise awareness of the importance of early diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma and to help families affected by the devastating disease. The launch—on Zoom from 12 to 6 p.m.—will be hosted by Mr. King William and will feature guest speaker and University of Nebraska Medical Center Oncologist Dr. Sarah Holstein. Foundation Board members will also talk about how the Foundation can help the community. Tickets are $10 apiece, with all proceeds going to support families dealing with Multiple Myeloma diagnoses.

According to Myeloma Revealed, Multiple Myeloma is the secondmost common blood cancer, with nearly 160,000 new cases per year worldwide. It is an incurable B-cell malignancy wherein abnormal clonal plasma cells proliferate and accumulate in the bone marrow, which lead to the 2016 death of Judith’s father, Nigerian Chief Sir Calistus Obodougo, in whose memory she founded the Calistus Multiple Myeloma Foundation. In the United States, more than 32,000 new cases were diagnosed in 2019 and 12,960 patients died.

To register for the Calistus Multiple Myeloma Foundation launch fundraiser, visit calistusfoundation.org or contact Judith at (402) 686-3559 / Judith@calistusfoundation.org. You may also donate to the Foundation through TAGG and Benefit apps on Google, and through Share Omaha at shareomaha.org.