Douglas County Reports $5.3 Million Surplus for 2015-16 Fiscal Year

Douglas County Commissioner James Cavanaugh ( recently announced that the county finished its 2015-16 fiscal year with a surplus.

Cavanaugh noted, “I am gratified to report that Douglas County’s General Fund ended the year with a $5.3 million surplus.”

The county will use a portion of the surplus to increase reserve funds. “The surplus will also help us pay for a proposed $45 million Public Safety Bond issue to upgrade 9-1-1 facilities and equipment without a property tax increase. This is very good news for homeowners,” Cavanaugh said. The remainder of the surplus will go toward the 2016- 17 budget.

“With modest growth in property values and careful budgeting, we are on track to offer real property tax relief for the 2017 tax year.

If our protest and Supreme Court appeal of the Nebraska Tax Equalization and Review Commission (TERC) decision to raise valuations on 70,000 Douglas County homeowners is not successful later this year, I will push for a property tax cut in 2017,” Cavanaugh said.

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