Center Sphere Network Helps Business Professionals Bounce Back from COVID
As the nation rallies together to bounce back from the COVID-19 crisis, Center Sphere’s ( networking services have become more of a necessity in the business community than ever before. While the thought of going back to normal sounds more and more like an impossibility every day, the organization remains committed to providing their members exceptional value at a low price point. Starting at just $29.95/month, a nominal financial point of entry has always been top of mind to CEO and founder, Brett Boyer.
“Building relationships and referral connections is an essential part to a normal business world, but especially in these times,” Boyer said. “We’ve made a commitment to small businesses and to our members, and they are the ones who need us right now. We want them to know that we will only be upping our game and not our prices.”
Since the pandemic hit, Center Sphere has rolled out multiple new initiatives to their membership, including a Member Perks program, Center Sphere Academy, and their Industry Collaborative Groups.
Center Sphere is an established network of business professionals whose mission is to share referrals, ideas, and resources through genuine relationships. The Omaha Network is currently made up of nearly 50 chapters and has access to members nationwide. For more information about Center Sphere or to inquire about attending a complimentary meeting or event, visit or connect with Omaha Area Director Lona Anderson at or (402) 650-5380.