Angela Lee, SHOLDIT founder and fashion security fusionist, announced today that April 2013 will be the first annual “Personal Security Awareness Month.”  With a national, regional and local launch planned, focus is on providing information to the general public on how to prevent being a victim of muggings, assaults and other violent crimes that are on the rise. Lee has made it her passion to raise awareness by founding PSAM.

The mission of Personal Security Awareness Month (PSAM) is to raise awareness surrounding personal security options and deliver valuable knowledge and life-saving advice to men and women across the globe. Throughout April, SHOLDIT and other personal protection experts, law enforcement professionals, and companies will partner up to spread the word of PSAM’s mission and inform the public on ways to keep themselves and their families safe.

Angela Lee is the inventor SHOLDIT, a line of fashionable security products that within 5 months of launch was featured on the Today Show, recommended by USA Today and profiled by The Associated Press as well as various local news broadcasts and websites.

For more information about Personal Security Awareness Month, please visit or