ActionCOACH to Bring Founder Brad Sugars to Omaha September 18

ActionCOACH Omaha ( invites you to spend four hours with Brad Sugars, the world’s #1 business coach and founder of ActionCOACH, on September 18 at the Embassy Suites Conference Center in La Vista from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tickets are available at

Brad, author of the best-selling book, Pulling Profits Out Of A Hat, has a dynamic stage presence and enjoys motivating and educating other business owners. His straight-forward Aussie style has branded him as a leader that will tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear. Millions have benefited from the ‘gut checks’ and ‘kick in the backside’ that Brad has provided from the stage. Brad is widely regarded as one of the best business coaches due to his career training business owners. He is a well known public speaker on business growth and investing, a bestselling author with 17 books to his credit, and a leading business educator. His reputation for turning around struggling companies and selling them for massive profits earned him the nickname “the turnaround kid” when he was in his early twenties in Australia.

Recently turned 50, Brad’s successful ownership role in over 50 companies has made him an authority on business building. His primary business today, ActionCOACH, has grown into an international franchise with over 1,000 offices in 85+ countries.

ActionCOACH has been the leader in business coaching for over 25 years. They train the world’s best business owners, managers, and employees in all industries in over 80 countries. Their courses are time-tested and effective in building the value of your resources and increasing bottom line for your company. For more information or to register for local courses, go to or contact (402) 676-8809.