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To kick off the 2024 Digital Marketing 101 Series, Shannon Filing with Transformation Group, will present What is an Avatar: Taking a broad market and defining down to a core target market called an avatar.
This is a hybrid session.
Upcoming Dates & Topics
  • April 17th: Challenges your clients are facing: Identifying your target market’s challenges can be proactive on how you can provide solutions.
  • May 18th: Desires of your avatar: What is the goal of your avatar? Focusing on the goal or outcome of your avatar will help you make solid sales and better client relationships.
  • June 19th: Possible objections: We all hate addressing sales objections but there is a way to make this painless in our sales process.
  • July 17th: Crafting a clear offer: We will craft a clear offer to deploy in your marketing, elevator pitch and marketing ads. I show you the simple format that makes this process super easy!