There’s no doubt that excellence is a way of life in Omaha and the surrounding region. That’s reflected in our people and in the work they do. The Greater Omaha Chamber and Premier Bank are here to celebrate that excellence and recognize the businesses that demonstrate innovation, leadership and philanthropy.

The Business Excellence Awards are an annual recognition of organizations that elevate our community and make Greater Omaha a better place to live, work and play.

Honorees were selected from more than 50 nominations by a committee comprises representatives from six regional companies and the Greater Omaha Chamber. In short, the 2022 award winners are truly deserving.

The Chamber presents awards in three categories: Leadership, Innovation, and Philanthropy, with additional recognition for Sustained Excellence and major milestone anniversaries.

So, how does a business demonstrate excellence?

Leadership—A vision of the future, growing an organization, and developing employees; these are the hallmarks of catalytic leaders. Clarity and demonstration of purpose in all the practices and policies. An outcome that is representative of the values at the core of the business. These are not platitudes, but the cornerstones of leadership philosophies that define excellence and inspire it from all who come into contact with the organization.

Innovation—The most challenging phrase in business is “that’s how we’ve always done it.” Those who demonstrate excellence in innovation fly in the face of that conceit, always looking to improve in efficacy and efficiency. The honorees in this category change the establishment, shift paradigms and buck old trends. They see and seize opportunity and find new ways to do things. Each winner has established innovation as part of their everyday routine and they definitely do not coast.

Philanthropy—Serving others is deeply ingrained in our Midwestern ethos. By helping the community, we understand that we help ourselves, and that a rising tide lifts us all. Organizations with a culture of giving help advance Omaha’s overall health and well-being. Those that prioritize paying back and empowering others understand that we’re measured by a bottom line of caring and support. The improvement of our community rests on all of our shoulders, and those who demonstrate excellence in philanthropy carry that burden willingly, proudly and ably.

Sustained Excellence—For many organizations, being recognized once isn’t the goal. Instead, they shoot for sustained excellence and make a case to be honored year after year. These businesses deserve their own category and are the models for consistency we all strive to be.

Milestones—Experience comes with time, and every year that an organization operates is a testament to its ability to serve, allowing it to uplift the community and contribute to the strength and growth of the region. Milestones matter, and anniversaries mark the dedication of organizational stakeholders, as well as the commitment of customers to the operation.

You can find the full list of Award Winners and Milestone Recipients displayed here.