Too many organizations are looking to “check the box” when it comes to social media. They just want to know somebody is doing something. Check.
And, sadly, too many social media consultants and companies are selling social media plans that do just that without any fundamental marketing or strategy considerations.
I have to admit, I was one of those consultants and I started one of those companies.
Back in the day (in social media terms that’s just a few years ago), I was the first person selling social media outsourcing services in Omaha. Things were different then. Simply “checking the box” actually worked for my clients.
The only strategy necessary was to do something, anything; and a social media plan with a simple content calendar worked.
As the market for social media services matured, I started training Certified Social Planners (CSPs) how to build social media strategies using New Media Guides.
These guides are more than just social media plans; they include strategic and tactical marketing components in addition to a detailed content calendar.
New Media Guides answer 3 strategic questions that focus on ROI, performance indicators, and action.
• What are the reactions of interest (ROI) you expect from your social media efforts?
• What is the primary social media metric that drives that reaction?
• What are the strategies and tactics you are employing to influence that metric?
We used the New Media Guide to assist our CSPs in outsourcing social media for our clients. I even wrote a “how to” book about it, New Media Habits: A Fundamental Guide to Social Media.
But then, in 2013 I realized that Social Media should never be outsourced and I stopped training CSPs and promoting the New Media Guide.
I stopped believing in social media outsourcing when I realized that one day everyone would be using social media in the same way they use email. And why would anyone pay me to type and send his or her emails?
Now, don’t get me wrong, many people pay for email marketing services and these same people pay for strategies and content for these emails with a focus on ROI for their efforts. That’s the difference, a focus on ROI.
With this realization, I began focusing my efforts on video marketing and offering social media planning as part of our video solutions. This change put the focus on the message and the strategy to get that message in front of the right target audience.
We still offer the New Media Guide to clients that want help developing a strategic marketing plan for their social media efforts. We even developed a strategic event marketing version of the plan called the Lean Media Guide.
So, if you need a strategic marketing plan, consider giving me a call. I’ll help you “check the box” next to ROI.
Joseph Frost is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Marketing for the Hybrid MBA Program at Midland University and the founder of Frost Media Group. Frost Media Group is a video solutions and creative strategies company that takes pride in its fast and friendly team, smart pricing for any budget, and value-added expertise. For more information, please contact Joseph Frost at (402) 965-1334, via email at, or visit