Would you ignore being overbilled in a restaurant?  Would you continue to make your credit card, car loan, or mortgage payments after they had been paid off?  Of course most of us would laugh at the craziness of those questions with a raging “NO”!  So why are so many business owners continuing to overpay their cell phone service providers month after month?

Wireless mobility continues to evolve and change with 3G, 4G, flip phones, smartphones, tablets, iPhones, Wi-Max, LTE, unlimited plans, shared data, M2M….what does all of this mean and is this just part of the cell phone carrier conspiracy?

Businesses have invested large amounts of money into adopting the use of wireless technology for their employees to provide ways to better serve the needs of their customers and to generate new revenue.  Now that we are so dependent upon this technology, are we paying too much for what we get in return?  How do we know? Does the iPhone really cost $200 and why do we have to sign two year contracts?  These are just some examples of many questions that go unanswered, yet we continue to “just pay the bill”.

The wireless industry continues to gain attention for itself with all of the market positioning by the “BIG 4” (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, and T-Mobile) to maintain the most customers, highest ARPU (average revenue per unit), lowest churn (cancellations), and best network.  Advancement is good, but where does it end–and at what expense to the customer will it continue?

“Cheaper is not always better”, “You get what you pay for”, and “You have to spend more to make more” – all quotes we’ve heard in business.   Have we become so dependent on technology that we just trust and assume that the wireless carriers have our best interest at heart in helping us be prosperous with our business, or are we just another victim to financial irresponsibility?

Many businesses are starting to contract outside consulting firms to assist them by providing resources and expertise pertaining to wireless technology.  Having an outside party invest in your business, and look for solutions that match your business needs versus that of the carrier/vendor special of the month, has become invaluable to many businesses in the Midwest thanks to the services we provide at Cross Pointe Innovations, your local wireless consulting firm.

In a market research study conducted in 2008, we found that 80% of all businesses were overspending a minimum of 20% on their corporate cellphone bills.  Since 2009, Cross Pointe Innovations has helped businesses save over $3 million in excess charges for their company paid cell phone services.  Additionally, the study showed that only performance-based service has proven to help bridge the gap between the wireless carriers and their business customers.  Cross Pointe Innovations has maintained an average of 25% savings, going above and beyond for their customers.

Cross Pointe Innovations brings wireless industry expertise to a new level for today’s business owner, and their objective is to develop strategic partnerships with businesses of all sizes.  By offering a variety of customizable solutions, CPI will work to identify solutions which will enhance business revenue through introduction of new industry specific solutions, RFP projects, by identifying ways to lower monthly wireless spends, and coaching to effectively manage wireless communications.

Our Vision . . . Partner with businesses to establish effective management of wireless services.

Our Mission . . . To provide optimal wireless innovative solutions for today’s business owner.  Through industry specific expertise, Cross Pointe Innovations is committed to providing win-win results through the power of teamwork and by maximizing and maintaining high value for our customers in all areas or wireless technology management.

By Christine Mason, President
Cross Pointe Innovations