Early Learning Center at Skinner, an Educare of Omaha, Inc. (educareomaha.org) school, has been recognized by Nebraska Step Up to Quality for its commitment to quality child care and education, earning Step 5, the highest rating.
Step Up to Quality is the state of Nebraska’s Quality Rating and Improvement System. Programs are awarded quality rating for meeting a defined set of program standards around program administration, child outcomes, professional development and training, family engagement and partnerships, and learning environments and program curriculum. Early Learning Center at Skinner is recognized for routinely demonstrating an exceptional level of high-quality care, and rated highest in compassionate interactions with children.
“We are excited for and proud of the entire ELC at Skinner team,” Executive Director Rafel O. Hart said. “Achieving and retaining a Step 5 rating is a testament to the dedication of our staff to impact the lives of children and families in a positive way.”
With 90 percent of brain development occurring before age five, early childhood education is crucial to a child’s future success. Early learning builds the foundation for skills needed in school, work and life. Studies show that children who receive quality early child care and education are more likely to show improved reading and math skills, attend college and earn higher wages.
“This Step Up to Quality rating validates that Educare of Omaha, Inc. is fulfilling our mission to prepare children and families for success in school and life,” Hart said. “It is something that all our schools strive to achieve each day.”
Educare of Omaha, Inc. serves over 650 infants, toddlers and preschoolers – and their families – each year by providing high-quality, year-round early education at five early learning schools located in North and South Omaha, and also operating a home visiting program. Learn more at educareomaha.org.