Families dealing with child sexual abuse will soon have just one primary location to visit – both during the initial crisis and for their long-term therapy and support.
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska’s (LFS) RSafe® program is moving into the newly-expanded offices of Project Harmony.
Currently, most RSafe® clients visit LFS’s downtown offices at 24th and Dodge. Starting Monday, August 13, 2012, clients will be seen the Project Harmony building at 119th and Q Streets. The LFS offices are located on the second floor in the east wing of the building.
RSafe® evolved from existing LFS incest-treatment programming in 2000, when significant funding first became available to treat the entire family, especially the abused child. Today, the RSafe®program is recognized as a best practice model in the long-term treatment for children and young teens who act out sexually, as well as the children and families impacted by the behavior.
For more information about Lutheran Family Services, please call Bev Carlson at (402) 978-5646 or visit their website at www.LFSneb.org.