Tiger Rock Academy was recently recognized by WAYMO Challenge.  Many people have been talking about WAYMO Challenge—WAYMO stands for “What Are You Made Of”, and there have been great programs in our community stepping up to be a part of it.  Parts of the WAYMO Challenge are the actual Challenge Courses where people compete in divisions to prove themselves against others and against themselves.  Another piece of the WAYMO Challenge is the social aspect where trainers, experts, and competitors are put together……WAYMO makes the connection through their forums.

Tiger Rock Academy became one of the first programs to step up and offer the expertise of their instructors, trainers and experts on training, nutrition and more.  Other bootcamps, personal trainers and experts are showing interest in doing the same and following Tiger Rock’s lead.  The next WAYMO Challenge Course will be on June 23rd in Eagle, NE.

To find out more about Tiger Rock Academy and the WAYMO Challenge, please visit www.waymochallenge.com or visit their company’s website at www.TRacademy.com.