Vital Learning announces the release of the next generation of sales training, Customer Oriented Selling™. The Vital Learning Customer-Oriented Selling™ program is the most comprehensive and flexible sales development tool available in the marketplace today and represents an updated version of the original which has been used successfully worldwide for nearly 30 years.
Now, they’ve updated this renowned course to incorporate new features, including a customer toolkit, more emphasis on strategic thinking, redesigned modules, updated language, added options and increased interactivity.

Throughout the workshop, participants view video modeling and vignettes, participate in relevant skill practices and exercises, receive immediate feedback on their techniques, engage in group
discussions and activities and leave with a solid sales plan for a targeted customer.

If you would like to be one of the first to participate in this next generation of Customer-Oriented Selling™., Vital Learning is offering a 2 day workshop in the Omaha area August 9-10. Please register by calling (402) 592-1602 or (402) 541-2220.

Additional information about Vital Learning is available at