A Nebraska based family, which purchases and manages a variety of assets, is excited to announce its recent purchase and completion of the shopping center formerly known as Standing Bear Pointe at 142nd and Fort. The Evans Family has purchased properties for decades and feels this one has something special to offer. The name for the new center will be Standing Bear Plaza.
Standing Bear Plaza offers businesses the ability to serve a fantastic area. This is a strong and up and coming segment of the Omaha area and the statistics validate that it is underserved. The neighborhoods around this location offer demographics that any business would love to have access to. Contractors began working on the shopping center in April and have completed all but some cosmetic areas. Kids Factory, a before and after school provider, is already a tenant at Standing Bear, with a number of other prospective tenants having made inquiries and visits to the property.
The Evans Family has contracted Lund Properties to be the leasing agent for this property. They have a very good relationship with the Lund Company and trust Lund’s expertise in commercial property. The Lund Company has an excellent understanding of Omaha market and offers a wide network to assist in establishing the property.
For more information, please contact Mike Evans with The Evans family at (402) 350-3681 or Steve Gettman with Lund Properties at (402) 393-8811 or online at http://www.lundco.com/.