ASTD Nebraska, the local chapter of the American Society for Training and Development, is offering an intriguing November program to expand your horizons and build your network. This special event is a two-part session. You’ll learn to use a Human Performance Model to explain the essentials to improve organizational performance; and then explore more than 30 non-training interventions that might be useful to close performance gaps.

The event will take place Wednesday, November 9th from 7:30 am-9 am (breakfast session) and 9 am-12 pm (workshop) at Scott Conference Center on 6450 Pine Street.

Training professionals are now being challenged to expand their roles from the classroom as “trainers” to “Performance Consultants.” At times it becomes difficult to shed the “trainer” hat and take on the new challenge and larger role of addressing performance improvement. By attending either the 1-hour breakfast presentation or the additional 3-hour workshop, this program will provide you with ideas on how we think and transform those “training” requests into performance discussions.

For more information about the American Society for Training and Development or to register, call (402) 850-6710 or visit them online at