Tiger-Rock Academy started in Nebraska in 1994, originally opened by Jeff Dousharm. Tiger Rock quickly expanded to multiple locations in and around Lincoln and Omaha. In 2006, Jason Reed became a partner in the Lincoln company as the Academies continued to expand. Dousharm and Reed now own and operate four locations in Lincoln and one in Firth. Dousharm additionally owns the two locations in Omaha and one in Pensacola, Florida. In Omaha, the Academies are located at 180th and Center (just north of Center), and at 124th and Maple. Plans are in the works now to open one to two more Academies in Omaha.
Tiger-Rock Academy, a franchised location of Tiger-Rock Martial Arts International, serves the community through several key programs including:
1. Martial Arts (for both adults and children).
2. Kisado fitness classes that include kickboxing, plyometrics, strength, core and cardio training.
3. Corporate Wellness Programs that now serve both small and large businesses at ZERO cost to the employer or organization.
4. Personal Safety training seminars ranging from rape prevention to liability conscious use of forces seminars throughout our community.
At the core of their mission, the staff at Tiger Rock are passionate about helping other people. From health and wellness to safety and personal development, they have proven to be experts who build their business around serving others. Fighting both childhood obesity and challenges facing adult health and wellness, Tiger-Rock Academy makes a difference. Their impact on individuals has a ripple effect and their positive influence extends to many people. Most recently, their Wellness Programs have become a huge hit with businesses and employees. Their dynamic and interactive presentations break the mold of the “boring” lunch and learns employees have become accustomed to. As speakers and presenters their passion for teaching and working with others comes through and keeps people engaged and having fun while learning.
Beyond teaching and training within their Academies, the staff at Tiger Rock also make an impact around the community. Tiger-Rock Martial Arts places a strong emphasis on “Community” and as part of this fosters a culture of community service at all Academies. In addition to monthly service projects and ongoing support of many charitable organizations and groups, Tiger Rock has provided in excess of $100,000 in scholarships internally for students who cannot afford the training at their Academy, and over $50,000 in scholarships for higher education to staff and students.
In addition to combining their personal leadership and drive, Jeff Dousharm and Jason Reed give a lot of credit for their success to their staff including Beth Leipold, Michael Baluch, Sandy Baluch, Damien Mapel, Dan Goheen, and Greg Kovar who serve as the management team for the Academies. As part of their ongoing business model, they are constantly looking for others who want a part time position or even a career in fitness where they can make a difference and even have ownership opportunities.
To find out more about Tiger-Rock Academy, email Jeff Dousharm at JDousharm@tigerrockmartialarts.com. You can also visit us on the web at www.tigerrockmartialarts.com.