Outlook Nebraska, Inc. (ONI) will be offering Insight Lunch and Learn events on April 24th and May 22nd. These events introduce ONI’s mission by telling stories of the people who have overcome obstacles and who are successfully employed, as well as giving attendees a chance to meet some of ONI’s associates. Working-aged blind and visually impaired adults have been trying to change their 70 percent unemployment rate for decades, and there are 8,500 individuals in the Omaha Metropolitan area currently impacted by vision issues. The stories are very personal stories told in a very personal way, face to face and in small groups. These events are held at 4125 S. 72nd Street in Omaha from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Every day, the activities happening at Outlook Nebraska, Inc. positively impact blind and visually impaired individuals. Please contact Rachel Carver at (402) 614-3331 ext. 21 or at rcarver@outlooknebraska.com with additional questions or to RSVP for one of the above dates. Space is limited, and spots are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
For more information on Outlook Nebraska, Inc., please visit their website at outlooknebraska.org.